According to Merriam-Webster’s 11th Collegiate Dictionary, literature is writing in prose or verse; especially : writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest. On the other hand, Barnet says, “literature is sense of any writing and verbal works of art. There are several form of literature. For saying that literature must be written or printed is too narrow because sometimes it excludes oral literature, e.g, ballad which is sung and even story that is recited” (1961:1). Hudson states, “the great impulses behind literature may be grouped with accuracy enough for practical purposes under four heads, first, our desire for self-expressions, second, our interest in pople and their doings, third, our interest in the world of reality in which we live, and in the world of imagination which we conjure into existence, and fourth, our love as form as form” (1913:11). There are two general types of literature, they are fiction and non fiction genre. The one that want to be concerned is fiction. Fiction is an imaginary, but usually plausible and ultimate truthful, prose narrative of changes in human relationship. The author draws his materials from observation of life, but he selects and shapes them to his purposes, which include the illumination of human experience” (Altenbernd 1963:9). Fiction genre also contains so many categories, such as children’s literature, education fiction, historical fiction, horror, fantasy, tragedy, saga, and etc ( One of them which is attractive enough to be talked is fantasy. In the fantasy genre, the author creates a magical world where anything is possible. It commonly uses magic and other supernatural pheomena as a primary element of plot, theme, or setting ( It also contains unreal character, such as smeagol in “The Lord of The Rings”, or animal which can talk. However, author usually puts a romantic action which is unappropriate for children. This paper would discuss the positive impacts of reading fantasy for children and the reason why the author involves it.Fantasy is intended to children because they will enjoy the work when there is such odd creature which happens in wonderful and unreal world. It can develop children’s imagination by reading or watching fantasy which contains imaginary things. Through fantasy work, author wants to entertain the audience, especially children. Fantasy fiction sometimes is easier to be understood and analyzed than other genre, because author will not make a complicated story or plot for children. That is why it is intended to children. In addition, it can give lessons for children to face any obstacles in their life. Author also puts good and evil in their work, and shows them that evil always loses, so it could teach them to do a good thing in their life ever and after.Many of fantasy works involve a romance situation, e.g, kissing. As example is in the novel and movie of Harry Potter and Peterpan. The present writer guesses it is an unappropriate action for children. As people know, the age of children who still enjoy the movie or book is about three until ten years old, so I guess, they have not been allowed to watch or read such actions. Children in this ages will immitate what they hear and see. If they see or hear good things, they also will do a good thing, but if they see or hear bad things, they will do those bad things. However, authors have many reasons why they put something which is unappropriate to be shown for children, is because several reasons. First reason is culture. In literature, we can find any form of cultural stereotype which is quite specific to a particular culture (Cawelty, 1976:5). In the formula of literature, culture becomes a conventional ways to represent certain images, symbols, and etc (Cawelty, 1976:20). Because of the different culture, readers will feel it as a unsuitable work. It could be a commonly thing in their culture eventhough firstly readers, especially who have children, will judge it as an unappropriate thing to be watched for their children. Second, the author may put it only for an addition to prevent monotone situation in the story. In several Indonesian movie have been found an action which the boy kisses the girl on her cheek. Sometimes, the movie maker adds it only as a complement or addition. People will feel bored with the flat story even the flat action. Third, in many story, author puts someone loved as a motivator behind the succeed of the main character. For example is in Harry Potter story, Giny becomes Harry’s motivator to destroy the evil, Voldemort. In Peterpan story, we have known that Peterpan does not want to be an adult. He wants to be a kid forever. But after his lovely girl, named Wendy, grows and becomes adult, he changes his mind and wants to be an adult too. It shows that someone loved could be the motif behind the appearance of the conflict or even be the solution or answer of the conflict. Fourth, Jackson defines fantasy as a mode placed between marvelous and mimetic modes, fantasy combining elements of both of them. The marvelous mode is often used in romances, works with magic and supernaturalism (Jackson via Haviřova,1993).By watching or reading fantasy, children will be able to develop their imagination. They also will get a good lessons to behave well as presented in fantasy’s characters. They also will be introduce that there is good and bad (evil) in this real life which have to be destroyed. However, it contains romantic elements. First, literature is a work which contains experience of life and also culture of the author. As Hudson states, “Personal experiences is the basis of all real literature”; and to enter into such personal experience, is similarly the basis of all real literary culture (1910:15). Furthermore, the difference of culture can not be false. Second, it could be a complement for the story. Third, someone loved in the story could be the motivator of the main character to fight, in addition, it could be the motif of the conflict or the solution of the conflict. Fourth, according to Jackson, marvelous mode is used in romances, works with magic and supernaturalism (Jackson via Haviřova,1993). In watching or reading fantasy works, parents have to guide their children, because the guidance of parents could help their children to differ something good or bad, even help them to tell what the meaning of the character’s action who does such action.
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