Monday 14 June 2021
Friday 16 September 2016
Getting A Red Mark is Really Not An End Of Your Life, Gurl!
Today (Sept 9, 2016), I got a very stressful news. I guess my effort has been hard enough so that I could get a satisfying result. But, no!
Then, I look at some images of the Chairman’s receiving some awards. They tore my heart softly and I ended up crying here and there. It’s not “when I can be a successful person like him?” but more like “OMYGOD, SIR. IT’S VERY HARD TO BE LIKE YOU! I know, you must have faced HUGE, UNCOUNTABLE and UNCOTROLLABLE obstacles to achieve the peak of mount! J’Adore vous!”
In this gross situation, my mind was like between “do-you-wanna-give-up side” and “C’mon-you-have-to-keep-it-up,it’s-nothing side”.
But, one thing for sure, I will not let this end here. It’s already a halfway, gurllll! Keep it up and don’t let that part break you down, beib.
Tuesday 26 July 2016
Karena Aku Hanya Hidup Sekali
"Ririiin, main yuuk!”
Teriakan itu aku tujukan
kepada temanku. Sambil berdiri, jari-jariku spontan memainkan bunga di depan
rumahnya. Ia keluar dengan wajah
penuh bedak tak keruan. Rambutnya tampak
klimis. Aroma minyak kayu putih dari tubuhnya begitu menyengat. Kami
pun menyambangi teman-teman lain, yang letak rumahnya saling berdekatan
dengan kami.
“Eh, aku punya
kaset Petualangan Sherina. Lihat, nih!” celetuk
Adnan dengan logat Boyolali yang masih kental. Ia memamerkan kasetnya di depan wajah kami.
“Waaaah. Beli di mana?” sorak
semuanya secara bergantian. Ekspresi Dwi, Aisyah, Sari, Ririn, Kak Mayda, Kak Ronald, dan Elma tak jauh berbeda denganku. Merasa takjub.
“Wah, aku ndak tau ik. Ibu yang
“Nonton ini aja yo,” Kak Mayda menyahut.
“Ya sudah. Mau nonton di rumah siapa?” tanya Dwi.
“Di rumah Kak Mayda saja, yuk!” saranku
menimpali. Kak Mayda
Kami begitu mudah mencerna apa
yang dikatakan dan dilakukan para tokoh utama. Mulai dari menirukan tarian, ucapan, hingga peran saat scene lagu “Jagoan”, “Anak Mami”, dan lain-lain. Hampir semua scene yang berisi lagu dipraktikkan
kembali layaknya Saddam dan Sherina sungguhan. Tak hanya film ini saja yang kami perankan ulang. Tersayang dan Tersanjung pun juga kena sasaran. Seperti
itulah kami mengisi waktu sore dengan memainkan permainan yang berbeda-beda.
Hingga suatu saat salah satu teman kami, Si Medok dari Boyolali, Adnan, menyeletuk di tengah permainan, “Teman-teman aku mau pindah
ke Sragen.”
“Ha?! Yang
bener?” kata Kak Mayda.
“Iya,” jawab
“Bapakku pindah kerja di sana e.”
Hari berganti. Bulan pun mengikuti. Meski harus bermain tanpa Adnan dan Aisyah, lama-kelamaan kami
terbiasa. Sayangnya, Dwi justru menyusul
pindah ke kota lain.
Suatu malam, Mama dan Papa mengatakan bahwa Papa mendapatkan sebuah mess
(rumah dinas) di tempat kerja. Menjabat sebagai kepala
asrama karyawan, Papa harus berada di mess sepanjang hari. Ia harus berjaga-jaga kalau terjadi
sesuatu dengan karyawan di asrama tersebut. Jadi, setiap malam sekitar pukul
21.00, Papa pergi ke mess
dan bermalam disana.
Setelah dipertimbangkan A–Z, akhirnya kami sekeluarga pindah ke mess itu. Setiba di sana, kami melihat fasilitas yang
lengkap. Ada lapangan tenis, sepak bola, voli, bulu tangkis, dan basket. Rumah pun lebih megah, lengkap dengan
pekarangan yang berlipat-lipat luasnya.
Namun, tak ada artinya fasilitas yang wah. Aku tak
menemukan teman sebaya. Aku lebih banyak bermain dengan Mbak yang membantu Mama di rumah dan adik-adikku. Tak ada lagi Si Medok Adnan, Si Bedak Tidak Rata Ririn, Si Pendiam Dwi, serta Si Tiga Bersaudara Kak Mayda, Kak Ronald, dan Elma.
Hari berganti, matahari timbul tenggelam tanpa lelah. Usia pun bertambah. Tanpa terasa 4 tahun sudah aku
menjadi masyarakat sipil di mess.
Hingga suatu siang pada hari Minggu, aku melihat seorang laki-laki yang kira-kira
usianya sebaya denganku. Dari wajahnya, terlihat
tak asing.
Eh, iya. Itu Andro! Andro adalah
saudara dari Kak Mayda, Kak Ronald, dan Elma
yang memang cukup sering main ke rumah Mayda bersaudara. Dan, ternyata dia sekarang tinggal di mess ini juga! Karena sudah lama sekali tidak bertemu, sudah pasti akan kikuk sekali.
Suatu sore, kami bermain voli bersama. “Gue yang serving, elu yang di sana ya,” ujar Andro sambil menunjuk ke
arah seberang net. Duh. Mati. Ketahuan, deh gue enggak bisa main voli. “Oh, o-ke,” ucapku terbata-bata.
Ketika dia serving bola, tanganku sudah kukepal dan kuayun ke depan untuk memukul bola. Kacaunya, bola malah masuk ke tengah-tengah di antara kedua tanganku. Tunggu dulu. Kenapa aku merasa lama-lama sifat centilku keluar
secara alami ya? Apa aku sudah puber? Tapi, aku kan masih SD. Aku... Aku kan… Ah, apakah ini yang namanya perasaan suka?
Waktu memanggilku untuk berubah menjadi dewasa. Aku kelas 3 SMP dan Andro siswa 2 SMP, tetapi sebenarnya kami berdua lahir pada tahun yang sama.
Suatu siang, di saat aku sedang hampir tertidur di dalam bus karyawan, aku melihat dua anak laki-laki yang
pakaiannya berbeda dengan
penumpang lain, tetapi seragamnya sama denganku. Fasilitas bus ini memang
sangat bermanfaat bagi karyawan dan anak sekolah yang tinggal di mess. Namun,
siapa sangka bus ini pun
membawa petaka.
“Bu, Andro kecelakaan. Tertabrak bus karyawan! Meninggal, Bu,” teriak Mbak Ifa, anak buah Papa yang siang-siang datang ke rumah.
What the... Rosario pun
langsung berada di tanganku. Berharap dan berdoa agar Andro sebenarnya belum pergi atau mungkin bangkit
kembali. Teman mainku (sekaligus laki-laki pertama yang aku sukai) pergi. Untuk
Hal yang
paling membuatku tidak menyesal menjadikannya laki-laki pertama yang aku suka
adalah ucapan terakhir sebelum pergi kepada ayahnya, “Pah, sopir bus jangan diapa-apain ya.” Kini dunia mainku di mess terasa sepi sekali. Aku harus kehilangan
teman-teman mainku di rumah lama dan sekarang aku harus kehilangan teman mainku
Tapi, ulat akan jadi kupu-kupu, rambut hitammu
pun akan memutih, dan kita tak akan selamanya menikmati siang. Gelap selalu menanti gilirannya. Hidup pun pasti
akan berubah. Aku bersyukur bisa menikmati apa yang pernah aku nikmati,
termasuk bisa menangis karena merindukan kenikmatan-kenikmatan sederhana
"Come with
me, then. We can talk over food in the dining hall. Lunchtime is over, but if
we go now they can still make us something" Haruki Murakami dalam Norwegian
Wood. Tiba-tiba aku
teringat kutipan dari salah satu
koleksi novelku ini yang seolah menyiram jiwaku. Tuhan pasti akan, bahkan sudah
punya sesuatu untukku.
aku harus go ahead. Ya! Karena aku
hanya hidup sekali. (ME)
Indonesian Fake Vaccines Scandal Harms Millions of Innocence
Vaccine is
known as a substance which is injected into the body
and it is definitely useful as a shield against any diseases by increasing the
immunity of the body. In Indonesia, it is a must for all children to receive the
immunization since they age 4 years old to avoid some serious diseases, such as
polio and hepatitis. However, it turned to be something frightening and panicking for the nation due to the exposed fake vaccines which have been distributed to many health
facilities and hospitals in Jakarta and some regions of the island of Java. The substance which fortunately should give benefits to the immune system
ended up turning the body fragile and easy to get infected.
This scandal is terrifically astonishing of how those fake vaccines could
be freely distributed for over 13 years with millions of children harmed. It
leads to suggest three possible causes. First, imported vaccines became extinct
for years while the number of needs increased year by year. “Many parents from
high middle class society prefer to choose alternative (imported) vaccines
(than the locals)” as quoted by Tengku Bahdar Johan Hamid, the head of National
Agency of Drugs and Foods Control (BPOM) in Their extinction led
some irresponsible activists to invent illegal imported vaccines. Secondly, the
higher price of imported vaccines ended up giving them bright idea to
distribute the illegal vaccines with much lower price. Last, it could be
assumed lack of proper overhaul from BPOM was one of the assumed causes as
In sum, deaths may be
hardly linked to the fake vaccines and truly can be anticipated by
re-vaccinating the victims, yet if the government does not start any action, it
can be assumed parents will feel trepidatious to let their kids jabbed and
immunized. Therefore, this hair-raising scandal commands to suggest two
solutions. First, the BPOM seriously requires to tighten their regulations to
carefully sort all foods and medicines before getting distributed. Moreover, Biofarma as the main supplier of local
vaccines should provide more various kinds which have not been manufactured
before, with imported-like quality and surely affordable price. It aims to
reduce the number of imported vaccines users in Indonesia, thus the extinction
of imported ones would not be a matter for parents and would not give any
chance to other syndicates to play more games.(ME)
Tuesday 21 June 2016
May You Rest in Peace there, My Big Man
Referring to my title, actually sometimes I believe in that. Sometimes. Because when someone is facing a death of his/her family or friend, the other people will tell him/her so. AND people will also tell the same thing to someone who's getting birth of their child, "welcome to the world, baby. you've been starting your life now". *deeplysigh*
SO, can I conclude that death and birth are totally the same thing of beginning a new life? Geez..
I'm not one of philosophers who accurately know about those such things.
Why do I suddenly come up writing this thing after a long time not showing my writings up here, on my blog?
2 weeks ago, December 14, at 12.10 pm, my lovely father left me and my family forever. Nobody felt anything wrong in the morning. Couple of hours before God took him, he still did his daily activity as usual, without felling or telling something bad. It all happened suddenly. Till my mom asked me to go back to house. I already knew something bad might happen in home. And my bad feeling answered me correctly.
It's already 2 weeks of our loss. I'm still used to thinking if it's real. Sometimes I hope he's coming when I heard somebody open the door of my house. But he isn't.
I haven't been a good girl for you, Papa.
SO, can I conclude that death and birth are totally the same thing of beginning a new life? Geez..
I'm not one of philosophers who accurately know about those such things.
Why do I suddenly come up writing this thing after a long time not showing my writings up here, on my blog?
2 weeks ago, December 14, at 12.10 pm, my lovely father left me and my family forever. Nobody felt anything wrong in the morning. Couple of hours before God took him, he still did his daily activity as usual, without felling or telling something bad. It all happened suddenly. Till my mom asked me to go back to house. I already knew something bad might happen in home. And my bad feeling answered me correctly.
It's already 2 weeks of our loss. I'm still used to thinking if it's real. Sometimes I hope he's coming when I heard somebody open the door of my house. But he isn't.
I haven't been a good girl for you, Papa.
What Is Wrong With YOU?
Sometimes I just need to smile in the morning to forget the
thing happened last night.
Wow. You come and go without even think how torn this heart
Sorry. I don’t mean to be mean but you made me this way.
My brain decided to forget you, while my heart doesn’t.
Hold me if you really mean it. If don’t, letting me go will
make me breathable.
Trying to blow out the hurting dust but it keeps coming
without even sorry. (ME)